1000+ gyms have trusted Kilo to grow their fitness business.

We’re obsessed with making life easier for gym owners. Meet our customers.

Results that speak volumes

Percentage based on last 3 months with previous providers vs first 3 months with Kilo

more opt-ins
0 %
more appointments
0 %
more sales
0 %

Gym Websites

Templated websites never looked so good.

Words from friends

Testimonial about our gym management software from client Brent Fikowski

"So happy to work with a team that can do all of the heavy lifting when I need help"


Testimonial about our gym management software from client Andrew Hiller

“Kilo is the epitome of a well oiled machine. The Rock would be proud 🤙💪”


Testimonial about our gym management software from client Chris Cooper

“They just do things the right way.”



We asked our clients: what changed with Kilo?

[Kilo] plugged all the gaps we had in our marketing and sales process.

Running my gym from 1000 miles away has become infinitely easier.

GLM will organize your organization. Being able to do everything with one software is a dream come true.

Kilo is legit. Leave it to the experts, not the client.

I now realize the opportunities I have lost for YEARS.

Website launched yesterday. Love the layout and streamline function!

GLM.. don’t think twice about it.

The GLM automation stuff is so easy to use. Worth every penny.

Amazing customer service, extremely quick to answer questions and help with things in a clear concise way.

I love how easy you’ve made messaging all of our members and new leads. We’ve gotten so many new members because of how quickly and easily all of our coaches can respond.

I'm drowning in website traffic I never knew I had 😂

The complexity of systems quite honestly scares me, but everything from google ads to landing pages has been extremely simple through your system

If you want to improve your business don’t even hesitate to bring the GLM aboard.

I cannot tell you how much Kilo has done for CrossFit NYC

Don't use KILO unless you're ready for 4-5 new people coming in every week. I'm paying pennies for free marketing and all I changed was my website. Whatever KILO is doing is working VERY well.

The best thing about Kilo, is the response time: it’s very good. If I can say one thing to you guys it’s just to keep up the reply times.

Every single person [in Kilo] has always been kind and helpful to me. You’ve never left me stuck, you’ve always helped me. Every single time.

Moving to GLM is one of our best moves since we bought the gym. We are averaging 30 leads /month.

It’s a great tool, it does a lot and the video clips are definitely really helpful.

I really love that everyone gets responded to right away, it takes that initial pressure off of feeling like I have to respond right away.

I am always loving the quick responses with answers to support requests and confirmation whether something can be done or not.

We are getting a lot of positive feedback from our members about the Kilo experience. Definitely a step in the right direction.

Kilo works really well, getting messages both from our social media and text messages all in one app has been very helpful.

Your customer support is hands down better than any other gym management software I’ve ever used.

We are super pleased, lead management is so much more efficient with Gym Lead Machine.

You will not find a company that will work harder for you than Kilo.

You guys are so available, the customer support has been second to none. It has just been so, so good.

I was using Calendly, I was using a Social Media posting site, I was using two other software, With Kilo I was able to literally cancel everything.

We run a few narrow niche programs and have used GLM funnels and targeted blog posts to capture this audience successfully.

Everything is super smooth with GLM and the support videos are really helpful, so it’s all gone really well so far.

Honestly, everything’s great. I’m seeing an uptake already.

GLM has been great for organising all of our lead traffic and the automation has been proving very powerful in terms of getting more conversations going and just keeping us more organised and on point.

Reduced workload and stress, with efficient integrations of website and lead management, are the best results from Kilo.

The Customer Service and support has been FANTASTIC. I have been very pleased with my website and the GLM software.

The support that you guys give is amazing! If I have a question or if I need a change, I email it to you and 20 minutes later it’s done.

The system itself is very user friendly.

I’ve been really impressed, really happy - most of all just with the customer service. You guys are so awesome on getting back quickly.

Everything runs smoothly. Good to get the leads and everything in one place. I think Kilo has been very helpful for us.

Kilo has been good. We’re getting leads in like crazy. We’re doing No Sweat Intros, it’s awesome.

Even in my first four days of having GLM, I got more organic leads than I would typically get in a month.

I get new leads every single day from different places and since all my leads come to the same place I never miss a potential. Really love the system.

The website looks great. Having the automation is really nice. They are great just so that people don't fall through the cracks.

I've got to say, I've never dealt with any company that's so responsive and so helpful. It’s amazing so, full credit.

We're really enjoying it - it's nice to have everything in one spot. The biggest thing for us is to be able to just communicate with everybody and not have to check a bunch of different places.

I'm getting to see that there's quite a few people that I probably would have lost before GLM and it's really cool to see how many people are clicking on my site.

Kilo has already done more than pay for itself, so thank you guys so much. I can't thank you all enough for pleasure.

It's an intuitive system.

Kilo has decreased our admin hours, increased our weekly consults and kept everything running smoothly.

The social media library is cool. It just saves me time.

This website and the GLM - it's really good.

The resources are really good! I've used a lot of that stuff to send an automated email blast out.

The first time I actually had any interaction [with the lead] was when he came through the door. So... it was cool to see it work! Usually I’m sending emails, texting.

The Kilo team has been INCREDIBLE.

Gym Lead Machine has been fantastic! A huge game changer for time management and for effectiveness for following up with the leads.

We love GLM!

It’s been great because I don’t have to check in with people constantly because they’re in our funnels.

Everyone on the Kilo team is very quick to respond.

GLM has saved me countless hours and a lot of money generating leads.

I absolutely love it. Having the Gym Lead Machine we are able to engage with these leads immediately.

There's a lot of really cool things in GLM that I've really enjoyed discovering.

I love love love love how the moment somebody clicks on any page I get the pop-up on my phone and then I initiate contact.

For a gym that's brand new and for an owner operator like myself, I believe Kilo is doing what I need it to do.

I’m enjoying Kilo! It's saving us a lot of time.

Need to reschedule, GLM has brought me too many leads and new clients to ramp up!!!! 😀 😀 😀 😀

I love it so far. I mean, it's made just the world a difference working with you guys.

We love it. I am like the biggest fan of GLM.

I just want to say that you guys are incredible and I've dealt with all kinds of tech companies.

The Kilo support team is very responsive and helpful with clear directions.

I wish I had found Kilo earlier!!!

The GLM side has totally changed my business for the better. That is amazing.

GLM is awesome!

It’s fantastic! The automation side of it is brilliant.

Our website just launched and we LOVE it!

I just want to say how much I love this software.

Every time I open the mobile app or the desktop version it's like a Christmas gift of new and very useful features.

The website’s been a game changer - the new website has really impacted our SEO.

Best systems I've ever used in my 17 years coaching.

You guys are so fast at replying - it’s the best customer experience we could’ve had.

Customer service is exceptional. Best I’ve experienced in the fitness space hands down.

I have never experienced customer service like I have with Kilo team.

The seamless integration from ad form completion into the system is the best GLM feature.

The Kilo Help Library is the best I've seen!

[Kilo] was the missing link.

I’ve never had so many leads to deal with like.. ever.

{GLM} has improved improved our gross revenue by increasing our number of leads, conversion of leads, and speed of response.

[I] have been wanting to reach out to your team and let you know how much I have appreciated working with you. GLM has been a game changer for lead generation and marketing.

Kilo is an INCREDIBLY powerful tool and 100% worth the investment.

Customer service is fast and top notch!

I’ve never felt more confident in an endorsement to a service.

GLM has saved me many headaches and time!

Best software for capturing and managing leads… I can’t imagine not having this software now!

I love my website! Im also loving the back of house system for potential clients!

I’m really impressed with Kilo and the GLM platform. I honestly can’t believe how good it is… I’ve have 7 NSI’s and 5 new members in 5 days 😂

So Kilo works. 3 weeks in and we’ve doubled our leads vs acuity and squarespace.

Started with just a great design of the website. But now that integrates to our backend operations and all the email integrations that you gave us upfront.

You guys are so quick and awesome!! Thank you!!

The website looks so amazing!!! I am so happy with how the site looks, you guys do such great work!!

That workflow looks incredible… I have had a go with the workflows but they take me ages and I usually don't get them finished. This looks great, Thank you again!

I cannot thank you enough for making this so easy on us!

We’ve been getting way more leads than we had ever before with our old website so that’s fantastic, we’re really excited about that.

I’m really satisfied with the customer support, it’s been great. Anytime I send emails in they get answered in a timely manner and everybody is really nice.

I have been able to track matrixes that I haven't tracked consistently before! The dashboard and opportunities workflow have been amazing!

I’ve seen improvement in the lead flow, a big improvement in the speed of the website, I like how straightforward it is.

Kilo has been, hands down, the best customer service.

I love GLM, this is kind of the reason I joined because it cut out so many other pieces of software that I previously needed that now I don’t.

I like that whether they’re on messenger, instagram, SMS, all the messages are in the same spot and it’s not getting lost anymore.

I’ve used a lot of CRMs and websites over the last 11 years, and they don’t even compare to the capabilities, user control and customer support of Kilo.

Moving to Kilo was the best decision ever!! All of the capabilities that the system provides plus the customer service is an easy 10x ROI.

I feel like things have been smooth, we really like everything that Kilo is giving us. I like especially all the additional stuff you have.

I like the fact that the automations are as built out as they are. I like the emails, the messaging and the helpful tips - it comes from a place of wanting to help people.

You guys are awesome!

I couldn’t recommend Kaleda and the team at Kilo highly enough.

The website itself is just a small fraction of what you pay for with Kilo. The biggest reward for us is time saved.

I just had a call with the company that runs our Google Ads and their analysis of the website was "outstanding". All the tools they use to measure it came in at 99-100%!!

The GLM team never cease to amaze me. You guys responding on super bowl Sunday just shows how awesome your customer service is.

Kilo has efficient lead management and engagement. Our engagement with leads has improved substantially.

Kilo has been a huge part of our growth for sure. Just the automating the lead process and the whole process of the funnels.

I have absolutely loved the service so far!

I love the new website, it’s great and I love the software, it’s amazing. Makes my job easy, and it’s capturing more leads for me.

We love Kilo, it is so great. It’s helped us so much. We’re pretty short for our front desk staff right now so it’s definitely made a difference with the automation.

I’m always impressed with just how much traffic on our website we’re actually able to capture now just by having the system in place.

The social media templates are just a no brainer for anybody to use. To have an idea just put there and all you have to do is change a few things, obviously makes our lives a lot easier.

You can tell people who designed the GLM system either run gyms or have listened to the feedback from people who use it.

Honestly, I love everything about Kilo in terms of the support and how fast you guys get back.

I love the system. I think it's great. It's really helping kind of streamlining the new prospect inquiry process.

Whoa. Thanks for the amazing customer service. You guys are #1.

We gained 3 new google reviews this week very easily, simply by using the GLM. Very cool!

Leads are going pretty crazy right now, which is a great problem to have.

Our efficiency in responding to leads and existing member queries has improved.

Kilo has been great. I love the interface, I love all the videos, the videos are great.

We really like the system.

I was really excited about the email reply campaign that you set up - it was so good.

I've used the ‘Done For You’ stuff as well, I do use Canva quite a lot, so that's been quite good as well.

Kilo has been working great.

I love having everything accessible in one place vs before we used three different applications for the same purpose.

GLM has paid for itself multiple times over already.

It's definitely been noticed by some of the leads how quickly we're able to respond which is awesome of course.

Just organizing leads, no shows, and just having those statistics is a big win for me.

It's a fantastic bit of software, clearly. It's amazing.

GLM made my client management 10x easier for my team.

A lot of the prompts that I've sent out really sounds like a person. I was really surprised at it.

Everything is going great and I'm getting everything I need from the Kilo!

I think we signed seven people in a week, which is the most I've ever had.

Kilo has been very helpful and the customer service has been world class.

I've been able to do a lot of new things with Kilo. The ROI has been very good.

We're loving the GLM software.

We have had more leads than ever before.

It’s hard to believe that we functioned without you guys and without GLM.

I have utilized the pre-written blogs and I've learned how to schedule those easily.

We've been loving it. It's been definitely making lives easier.

Kilo has enthusiastic and knowledgeable support staff for onboarding plus clear descriptive knowledge base articles.

The site is beautiful and it's getting me leads.

Kilo's changed my business totally. It really, really has.

We love the website and it is generating leads way better than the last one.

We're definitely seeing the benefits of it now. Kilo is just a very good bit of software.

The response time and level of help from the Kilo team have been excellent.

Love your support!

My CSM and I are really enjoying the seamless interaction between all three things in the Kilo stack!

It’s very clear that the people who developed the Kilo Gym Management Software have experience in the gym.

GLM is literally our most valuable tool.

Last week we heard you could retroactively hold memberships, and that was a huge win.

Switching to GLM and Kilo was the best thing we've done.

Kilo website makes it easy to interact with new leads.

I am really enjoying GLM. It has brought us to a new level in managing leads and growing the business.

I am extremely happy with our new website. We've received more leads through the site over the last few weeks than we had over the last 6 months.

Really happy with the website and all the back office stuff. Its been such a pleasure working with all of your team.

Bethany Ream of CrossFit Wooster saw a 377% increase in leads in her first month.

I could literally shout it from the rooftop how much I love [Kilo]!!!

ALL client comms in one easy place… the list goes on about all the benefits!

Closed an NSI today and when I asked him how he found out about us he mentioned our website being above and beyond all other gyms in the area.

The price is pennies compared to the value you get.

GLM by Kilo was able to free up so much time with our gym management. Contacting leads can sometimes get discouraging when they don’t respond but GLM manages to automate the “ice breaker” of the conversation.

I’ve had GLM for about 3 weeks and can already count 8 new members from generic website leads.

Love the automated lead nurture.

I love being a Kilo customer!

I literally went from 0 leads to 8 in a week, no ads.

[Kilo] changed the game for me.

I love Kilo and we will be with them til the wheels fall off!

Thank you so incredibly much, not only for the help but for the ease in doing so and quick responses!

Kilo has been a fantastic addition and we couldn't be happier.

The website looks beautiful! I love the simplicity and how fast it loads!

Thanks for an awesome service!

Loving the software, made my life so much easier.

The scheduling and messages in GLM have been such a game changer, I absolutely love that. It makes our life 10 times easier and we don't drop the ball on things and don't miss things, so that's been super super great!

GLM has made it much easier. There are premade post designs and funnels and that’s where it’s helpful.

It’s great having all the communications in one place so you can see what emails and texts they’ve got and all, so it’s very very good.

Customer service has been great! any time I have a question or an issue you guys get back to me super fast so that is very much appreciated.

I really really love the system, it has helped me immensely with my time and just organizing everything.

The way we went about connecting the ads through Facebook and those campaigns to the website was so painless compared to what I had to go through with the last one to set it up so I really appreciated that.

One of the things we’re most excited about is the text reply to phone calls. We now don't have to check our phones all the time.

Does GLM get leads and bring prospects directly to the point of booking a No-Sweat-Intro? Yes, it does!

My #1 favorite part is all the landing pages and funnels you can build out yourself! Fully DIY customizable, but the website remains Kilo's solid reliable homebase.

I've been able to go into all of the campaigns and customize them to our verbiage and add things in where we wanted. I really like that.

You guys rock. Thank you for taking the time!

Customer support has been getting back really quickly. I’ve been impressed with the responsiveness of you guys, It’s been great.

As a brand new gym owner, I had never had a website before and so having the website built, all the add-on's and all the automation has been super super helpful!

I have truly appreciated how nurturing the people at Kilo are. It's not just having a real human to talk to, it's talking to people who have empathy.

I like the quick support to update and educate on the proper use of various features.

You guys have been incredibly amazing.

Kilo is worth every penny. We’re very very happy to have it. It’s making us a lot more money than we’re spending on it and that’s how it should be.

I love how with my Facebook Lead Ads it just auto-populates straight into GLM, and then I can move it around. It’s just keeping me engaged with all my leads.

I love what you guys do on your end with the campaigns and the pipelines, so really really cool.

We’re really happy that we joined Kilo, because it’s a very easy way to track everything. The system sends the automations and it brings in leads.

I love the integrations you guys offer. You have TikTok, Facebook, Instagram and Google dashboard, so those are all plusses honestly. I can see my analytics through there which is really cool.

Having leads in GLM and then being able to email and text them all from one single dashboard has been really nice.

We've seen some really good results since getting the website. It's definitely saved us a lot of time and gotten us leads as well. Really enjoying the system.

Right away we had some leads coming in. I was like, oh wow, okay, this is good.

I love the website ease. When we first started using Kilo I feel like we started getting leads immediately, and we'd really been struggling with pulling in leads.

GLM has been amazing. I've really enjoyed using it - it’s super easy to work with.

I keep getting leads! It's been amazing so far.

The team is VERY helpful and always provides prompt, accurate responses.

I'm really loving Kilo.

It’s the most organized we've ever been when it comes to managing leads.

Kilo is absolutely spot on. We're not having any sort of problems with finding people.

The support articles are great.

Customer service is second to none, it's amazing!

The CRM system has been amazing for my CSMs staying organized and on track.

Oh, the 'Done For You' - that is the greatest thing. The done for you monthly newsletter. Thank you so much for that.

I wish I had found you guys months ago.

I got the Google Analytics email yesterday, our Google uptick was a 250 % increase. So that's awesome.

Most gym CRM stuff - everyone just hates it. But so far you guys, everyone's happy.

Looks amazing! We're so happy with the website.

We've gone through several websites and CRM's and Kilo is by far the best.

Overall, GLM definitely had an impact on our ability to be productive and manage our leads.

I’ve been able to really utilize GLM with the iPhone, I can book leads right into the appointment through the app.

We are up 75% in our gym sales, which is amazing!

I’ve really been enjoying the app. I've been enjoying the website, how easy it is to use.

Kilo is amazing!

Everything's going great. Everything's working better than I expected.

We're pretty happy with Kilo.

We love how clearly visible it is to follow our leads within the system.

I love everything that I've been able to do with GLM.

We use the marketing tools for everything. We use the pre-made stuff and we're getting a lot of leads in.

You guys are amazing. I've never dealt with a company like yours that responds so quickly, you know what I mean?

Kilo keeps leads top of my mind with automation and having a simple place to keep track of leads and customers is great!

The automations are money. Like, they're spot-on.

Fast response, changes were made exactly to what we needed. PERFECT JOB.

It's so easy to make/schedule a post across FB, IG, Google Business page all at once in GLM.

My experience as a whole with GLM has been very positive from start to finish.

We already booked a consult as soon as the new site launched!

Great communication, easy to work with.

Expectations have been met and oftentimes exceeded. Your customer service is incredible.

We are getting more qualified leads into GLM and we have signed up on average 5 clients a month.

I really like the Dashboard - first thing when I log I can see how much I have earned, how much am I going to earn.

From the website see of things, all of our lead management is really streamlined and really easy.

Seamless integration from website to CRM and the professional clean website are my favorite things about Kilo.

My favourite thing about Kilo is the support from the customer service.

I have to give it to you guys - every time we have a problem you guys are so on the ball helping us out with everything!

More words from our people

“Kilo has tremendously helped our fitness business on many fronts. From saving prospective lead information and automatically following up, re-engaging previous members, and even allowing us to cancel a few other software services. One of our best moves was joining up with Kilo!
Their customer service is an 11 out of 10. You won’t be disappointed.”

413 Fitness
Blake Bramer

kilo customers logo 413 fitness

“Kilo took our website to the next level. It’s easy to navigate, clean, and just plain awesome. Customer service and help support have been top-notch. Highly recommend.”

Lahaina CrossFit
Tom Ragusa

kilo customers logo lahaina crossfit

“You guys are awesome! Kilo is an all-in-one place solution for our CrossFit business. I don’t have to worry about the things that yes, are important and need to get done, but are just not in my wheelhouse.
And the customer service is amazing! Very responsive and always upbeat! Their responses just put a smile on my face each time.”

CrossFit Landrush
Russell Carby

kilo customers logo crossfit landrush

“Thanks for making a killer website & service for us.”

CrossFit Justice
Chris Follick

kilo customers logo crossfit justice

“After nearly a year as a customer, I wish to report that I could not be more satisfied. The product is excellent, and your team is superb! We have now processed over one thousand leads through GLM and signed up over 300 members.”

CrossFit NYC
Hari Singh

kilo customers logo crossfit nyc

“I can’t thank you enough for all your help!
We are so impressed with the website, Kilo’s customer service, and the simple and organized approach! What a difference from the first time we tried building a website!”

Transform Rx
Monica Buccellato

“I am not an emotional person but the way GLM organizes my leads gets me right in the feels 😂🥰

Seriously, I switched from UpLaunch just a few weeks ago and we are getting a huge uptick in leads and I have soooo much more transparency in terms of who is in what stage of the process.

Love it!”

Joby Shreckhise
3xF Fishersville

kilo logo fishersville

Our company

gym owners served
0 k+
customer support interactions
0 k+
customer support success rating
0 %
marketing automations running
0 M

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